Edel Rodriguez

I, bloghead

JULY 25, 2006
And the "guitar" has three strings, we were low on funds.
Well, here it is, we are officially one day closer to the apocalypse. Edel is blogging. Never thought I'd do it, but then I found Drawger and saw that my college painting teacher Jos. A. Smith was blogging. If "Mr.Smith", as I still call him, is blogging, then I better jump on this bandwagon before it leaves the station. So, how to start? As usual I figured I'd start at the bottom and things could only go up from there. Here I am, circa 1983, just arrived from Cuba, in absolute awe of American Rock N' Roll baby! Van Halen and Def Leppard ruled! Check out the details, torn pants, "muscle" shirt, wrist AND headband, bandana around the neck, and supa dupa socks. Let the fun begin.