Edel Rodriguez

Dr. Atomic, and other recent work for The New Yorker

NOVEMBER 8, 2008

This is a recent illustration for The New Yorker, art directed by Chris Curry.   The subject is a review of "Dr. Atomic" a new opera opening up at Lincoln Center.  The plot revolves around Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Manhattan project.  The opera was composed by John Adams, composer of 'Nixon in China' and 'The Death of Klinghoffer'.  Much of the text from the opera was adapted from declassified U.S. government documents and communications among the scientists, government officials, and military personnel who were involved in the project.  I'm currently working on four opera posters for the Vancouver opera, one of them is 'Nixon in China', which made this editorial assignment fun to research.  Some sketches for Dr. Atomic are below, along with other recent work for The New Yorker:

Other sketches
This was for a review of an 80's film titled "Street Smart".
This was for a column about Bhutanese dancers appearing in NYC.
This was for a column featuring the band 'Orchestra Baobab' from Senegal. They were performing at Battery Park. They're one of my favorite bands, a video clip below: