Edel Rodriguez

POLITICS 08 Exhibition

OCTOBER 3, 2008

Here are some pictures from the POLITICS 08 opening and exhibition.  The show's last day is this Saturday, Oct. 4th.   I wanted to thank all of the artists that particitated, along with the staff at S.I. that helped hang the exhibit.   Kate Feirtag, Anelle Miller, Tim O'Brien and the rest of the museum comittee were a lot of help throughout the Summer as I tried to put the exhibit together.  Kate will soon be creating a spot on the S.I. website that shows all of the artwork, I'll let you know when it's all up there.

A couple of weeks ago, the Society brought in students from LaGuardia and Art and Design high schools, along with students from Parsons.  Stephen Kroninger and I spoke with them about the exhibit, political illustration, and the editorial side of the businesss.   It was good to have them there, as I think that art students need to be more aware of this type of work.  

The Society has printed this set of postcards of images from the show.   E-mail tara@societyillustrators.org if you'd like one.   $15 and comes with a 'vote' button.