Edel Rodriguez

Recent work for TIME magazine

Portrait of Metallica, Chrissy Dunleavy, art director
I've worked on a number of recent assignments for my former colleagues at TIME magazine and thought I'd put them up as a group.  It's always nice to get a call from them. 
Pity vote, Cindy Hoffman, art director
This one was for a column by Michael Kinsley about voting for candidates based on their bios  (McCain's time in Vietnam, Biden's loss of his wife and daughter in a car accident, etc.), and how campaigns take advantage of these kinds of voters by repeating the stories over and over.
The Olympics come to China, Patricia Hwang, art director
This was for a column that discussed ways that the Olympics could change China's oppressive tendencies of the past and open up the country to the rest of the world.
Candidates and the Economy, Tom Miller, art director