Edel Rodriguez

SxSW for Billboard

MARCH 9, 2008
final art, 15" x 8", digital
This is for a feature in Billboard magazine on the South by Southwest (SxSW) Music Festival in Austin, Texas.  For a larger view, you can go here.  Some of the very rough sketches are below.  I did the final drawing as a black line on bristol, scanned that, changed the line color to red and added the rest of the colors digitally.
This is the final linework.  One of the things I like about working digitally is that I can change things after finishing my drawing and add some collage elements from the things in my studio.  I wanted the background to be more dynamic, so I erased the lines at the top and added an image I had of a mirror with a circular starburst shape.  I converted that image to a black and white graphic, added it to the background and colored it to create the light behind the stage.
The image on the left, and coverted to a graphic on the right.
Rough Sketches