Edel Rodriguez

Chinese Democracy

MARCH 11, 2007
This image was for a story about the state of democratic reforms in China.  I did it a couple of months ago, but I don't even know if the story finally ran or not.
It was an investigative type story and the reporter went to great lengths to communicate with some of the locals in China.  It seems the Chinese government agrees to certain international standards, but then goes ahead and does whatever it sees fit to maintain control of their population.  Much of the piece dealt with the country's farmers, they are spied upon, beaten, and put in jail simply for speaking out and trying to participate in this new "democracy".  Much of the article resonated with me because it mirrors some of the same abuses that have taken place in Cuba.  I did some sketches with farmers in the image, but this drawing of a bird still tethered to the cage resonated with the A.D.  I like that they went in that direction since I got the idea from one of my Cuba drawings (a chicken tied to a string that I saw in someone's apartment).  Some sketches and that image are below: