Edel Rodriguez

Awe, baby Illoz is a week old!

JANUARY 11, 2007
Well, actually baby illoz was a week old yesterday, but time just flies with a newborn.  I mean, Papa Zimm is staying up day and night, the feedings, the diapers, the burping, it's nonstop.  Papa Zimm has gone through two entire boxes of Huggies already.  Poor Papa, not getting much sleep nowadays.  It'll get better, that's what I hear about newborns.

But look at little illoz, ain't he CUTE!  Awe, there are a lot of cute little babies out there, sure, but little illoz has to be the cutest!  Why don't you drop by and see cute little illoz for yourself?  Visits are being done Latin style, you don't have to call ahead or anything, just drop on by HERE NOW.

He's so cute!  I just wanna pinch those cheeks!