Edel Rodriguez

China Girls

JANUARY 11, 2007
The set of brushes, ink, grinding stone, etc.
My old college professor Joe Smith brought up the idea of trying out new materials in a recent post.  I thought I would put up a couple of experiments, and I do mean experiments.
My wife gave me this set of Chinese brushes and ink for our anniversary a few months ago.  I wanted to just try them a bit and had received an American Girl doll catalogue in the mail right about the same time.  The girls grasping their very expensive dolls really freaked me out so I set out to draw them in my new Chinese ink set, hence 'China Girls'.
The only problem is that I tend to take stabs at paper when I draw, I like to really push down and get involved.  You can't really do that with these Chinese brushes, they are very long and tend to just flop sideways.  It is also very hard to get much detail with them, and I usually want detail in my work.
Anyways, I always try to find something good in my experiments, even when they go awry.  I like the odd look in these girls faces, and some of the splotches created with the ink.   I want to do more of these and see if I get some better results with the medium.  There are a couple of drawings below.