Edel Rodriguez

Merce Cunningham Portrait

OCTOBER 10, 2006
This portrait of Merce Cunningham is in this week's New Yorker magazine.  It's for a small feature on a performance of one of his dances.  He's aged quite a bit since he was a dancer himself back in the 60's

This image ran about 1.5 inches wide.  I used to want my work in The New Yorker to run really big.  A few years ago I got a call from the Postal Service.  The art director had been cutting out and collecting dozens of my little portraits over the years from the New Yorker's pages.  He thought I'd make a great stamp artist, based on how well these little drawings had reproduced in the magazine at that tiny size.  They kicked off my whole stamps thing for the U.S. Postal Service so now I really look forward to doing these little portraits.