Edel Rodriguez

I'm Nominated for an OZZIE!!!

OCTOBER 1, 2006
...and what's an "Ozzie" you ask?  I wondered the same, the art director sent me this link about it.  The awards seem to be run by Folio magazine.

Apparently my cover of three bankers in a "Reservoir Dogs" look wowed the judges.  I am in the running for Best Cover in the Business to Business, above 100,000 circulation category.  My competition is a cover for CFO magazine, and an InfoWorld cover.  I gotta take them DOWN!  Wish me luck.

I get called often to do portraits of business people and to try and make them look "cool".  It's the hardest job in the business I tell you.  Apparently, this one broke through!

Hopefully I'll get an Ozzie, I'll be taken out to fancy Hollywood lunches by competing agencies, and I'll start getting calls to appear in films with bigger budgets.  A boy can dream.