Edel Rodriguez


SEPTEMBER 18, 2006
I did these two drawings last month for a project on the Rwanda Genocide of 1994.  Even though the sketches were approved, the people I sent them to felt the final images were too strong for publication.  They said this is the first time it's happened to them, rejecting a piece.  Me, always breaking new ground.

They had problems with making genocidal killers into dogs.  I didn't.  And, well, they probably didn't want to show a dog walking on machetes instead of legs, but the sketch was approved so they knew that was coming.   I originally explained all my imagery when I put the project up here.  You can check the original post HERE

You can see the new images below.  I feel strongly about the project and liked having the opportunity to do two more images. It makes for a complete series of five drawings about Rwanda.