Edel Rodriguez

Project for Mohawk Paper

JUNE 10, 2010

I was commissioned by Tomorrow Partners to create a series of illustrations for a catalog introducing Mohawk Loop, a new line of recycled and environmentally preferable papers, manufactured with windpower and made carbon neutral.  Having been an art director for a while, working on a catalog for Mohawk had always been one of the things I've wanted to do, their catalogs are always so well produced.  The book is beautifully designed and includes a wide variety of paper stock, photography, graphics, pullouts, embossing, cutouts, everything to show a designer what the papers are capable of.  The Creative Director for the project is Gaby Brink.  The hand lettering on most of the spreads is by Grady McFerrin.  The hand lettering on the fish spread is by me.  The catalog was printed by RR Donnelley.  Mohawk Loop: A Living Almanac is free (plus shipping) and available here.