Edel Rodriguez


JUNE 4, 2010

Work for today's New York Times Op-Ed on the disaster caused by BP in the Gulf, "Prosecuting Crimes Against the Earth".  Read the full article here.  Thanks to Aviva at the Op-Ed for being patient until I found something strong enough for the matter at hand. 

Excerpt:  “IF our laws were broken ... we will bring those responsible to justice,” President Obama pledged on Tuesday, in announcing an investigation of the events leading to the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig. His words may have been, in part, political damage control; efforts to contain the spill remain dire. But federal prosecutors have been working behind the scenes for weeks to determine whether BP, Transocean (the owner of the rig) and Halliburton (the company that did the cementing job on the deep-ocean well) should be charged with crimes.